Pastor's Desk: In Lieu of Sunday Worship Together

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“…The world will at times look chaotic and out of control, and there will be heartbreak and loss and suffering that feels, to us, to not jive well with a God who loves us.

And although it looks chaotic to us, it never looks chaotic to God. Ever.” 

--Matt Chandler (Lead Pastor of The Village Church)

As you may know, we have suspended our meetings and worship services temporarily. This Sunday will be the first time, as far as I can remember, that we haven’t held a Sunday worship service at FIBC since we became a church (February 2002). These are extraordinary times that require some extraordinary measures to do what we can to slow the spread of the highly infectious COVID-19.

So, in lieu of meeting for worship together on Sunday, I would like to recommend that you spend some time listening to some worship songs and a sermon via internet podcast.

Since we are a community, I suggest listening to the same sermon, one that fits well with our current series in the Acts of the Apostles, by Matt Chandler. He gives a good summary of Acts 8-12, which we have or will study a little more in-depth when we resume worship services, and he has a message that is especially timely for our current situation (see quote above).

Session 6 - Scattered to Gather (Acts 8-12)

To use the link above, you will need to login with your RightNow Media account, which most of you at FIBC already have. If you do not yet have an account, WRITE immediately to to request one, and you will soon receive an email from RightNow Media with instructions. It is FREE for all of you connected to FIBC, courtesy of the International Baptist Convention. You will certainly benefit Spiritually from the many discipleship resources available on RightNow Media. Having an account through FIBC does not mean we endorse everything available on the platform and we ask you to always be discerning in your learning. There are some studies that we have highlighted for you and you’ll find them on our specially curated FIBC channel.

Additionally, you can also listen to one of our recent sermons on Acts that you may have missed. You will find them (and other sermons from years past) in our SoundCloud account here: FIBC’s Sermon Podcasts

I encourage you to spend some extra time in Bible reading and prayer, and know that others in our fellowship are doing the same. Here’s also new worship song from Kristyn and Keith Getty to enjoy: Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

For those of you at home with children for the rest of the coming weeks, see the list of activity ideas below from Tyler Conrad and Christian Roth.

For those of you who are working from home and alone most of the time, be sure to reach out to others and arrange to meet. The directives from the Danish Health Authority do not restrict meeting in groups of 4-5; just make sure you also follow all their directives of good hygiene and limited physical contact.

None of us should feel alone in coping with these extraordinary times.

In Christ,

Pastor N. Erik Nielsen

Activity Ideas

1) Watch PM press conference with kids and discuss and pray (all ages)

2) Read aloud to kid from CS Lewis or George MacDonald

3) “How to Draw” on YouTube, with parent supervision kids can watch and learn how to draw animals 

4) Gospel Project videos, scripture reading 

5) Family devotional from The Gospel Coalition, called “New City Catechism” download app and play songs, very fun and easy for kids to learn and memorize theology

6) Small Shopping trips with kids with coins to teach math and learn basic math and buy a treat

7) More ideas: -

8) Podcasts:

  • Truth Seekers: Bible Stories for Kids 

  • We Wonder: Lent podcast

  • Foundations: parenting podcast 

  • Risen Motherhood

9) Audio books: 

  • e-Reolen Go!: app with audiobook option (for use with Copenhagen library card)

  • Spotify and Apple Music have audiobook options as well

10) Scavenger hunt with your kids while on a walk/hike

11) Aimless exploration (going out with no real aim but to see things yet unseen)

12) Before entertainment, set aside time to pray and read the Bible

13) Dance party with your kid's favorite tunes

14) Build LEGOS with your kids, from the outset having a goal to build a zoo, church, airport, etc.

15) Invite your kid into one of your passions, sharing with them something you really love. 

16) Miniature Bible Studies to do alone or with friends and family:

Psalm 19

v. 1 - 6 - How have you seen nature speak of God? In what ways has it poured forth speech declaring his glory to you?

v. 7 -11 - How much time have you spent reading the Bible which the Psalmist says revives your soul, makes you wise, rejoices the heart, enlightens the eyes, endures forever in its cleanness (purity), is more desirable than wealth, is sweeter than honey, and provides great reward?

v. 14 - How can the book nature and the book of Scripture be used in your life to make your words and thoughts acceptable in God's sight?

Psalm 63

v. 1 - Am I seeking the Lord? What does it mean to seek him and how do we do that?

v. 3 - The Psalmist says he praises God because God's love is better than anything else he has found in life. What motivates your worship and love for God?

v. 5 - If God satisfies us as food satisfies a hungering stomach, what do you think is the effect of that satisfaction upon your soul?

Psalm 103

v. 2 - 5 - In these verses the Psalmist lists some of the benefits of knowing Yahweh. Are there any other benefits we receive from knowing him?

v. 15-17 - The days of life are said to be incredibly fleeting and that is contrasted with the steadfast love of Yahweh which is everlasting towards those who faith is in him. Why do you think the Psalmist makes this comparison?

v. 19 - Since the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and rules over all, how should his supremacy over all things influence our lives, our obedience, our prayers?

Psalm 150

Can you spend ten minutes praising and exalting God in prayer? 

As you go about your day, how can you be intentional in praising Jesus since praise should infiltrate and penetrate into everything we do?